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Status of ABL Bio’s funds

ABL Bio’s surplus funds are held in bank deposit, etc..
In accordance with K-IFRS(Korean International Financial Reporting Standards), they are presented in financial statement as cash and cash equivalents, financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, etc..

The status of ABL Bio’s funds in the last three years is as follows.

(Unit: million KRW)

Status of ABL Bio’s funds list
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents25,13528,06456,289
Short Term Financial Instruments7,6048,01080,000
Financial assets at fair value through P/L45,57135,0754,371
Non-Current Assets
Financial assets at fair value through P/L27,6342,742-
Other Matters
Total amount of Funds Held105,94473,891140,660

Statement of Financial Position

(Unit : million KRW)

FY 2017, FY 2018, 2019.Q3 list
As of December 31.2022(Consolidated)As of December 31.2023(Consolidated)As of December 31.2024(Consolidated)
Current Assets80,53575,539144,152
Non-Current Assets104,64684,60587,824
Total Assets185,181160,144231,976
Current Liabilities72,17341,76063,361
Non-Current Liabilities43,49544,3051,335
Total Liabilities115,66886,06564,696
[Controlling interests]69,51374,079167,280
Capital Stock23,89423,94627,030
Other Capital384,716392,378538,033
Accumulated other comprehensive income37100521
Retained Earnings(339,134)(342,345)(398,304)
[Non-controlling interests]---
Total Equity69,51374,079167,280
Total Equity & Liabilities185,181160,144231,976

Income Statement

(Unit : million KRW)

FY 2017, FY 2018, 2019.Q3 list
For the year ended December 31, 2022(Consolidated)For the year ended December 31, 2023(Consolidated)For the year ended December 31, 2024(Consolidated)
Operating Revenue67,30165,54733,403
Operating Expenses66,39368,16492,780
Operating Profit908(2,617)(59,377)
Financial Income6,5987,0695,508
Financial Expenses6,9715,7871,902
Other non-operating Income2,69815291
Other non-operating Expenses241,32749
Income before income taxes3,209(2,647)(55,529)
Net Profit(Loss)3,209(2,647)(55,529)
Owners of Parent3,209(2,647)(55,529)
Non-controlling interests---
Other comprehensive income229(501)(9)
Total comprehensive income3,438(3,148)(55,538)
Earnings per share(Unit: KRW)67(55)(1,156)